HansaBioMed Life Sciences and Finnish Red Cross Blood Service start a join effort forHansaBioMed Life Sciences and Finnish Red Cross Blood Service start a join effort fordeveloping next generation of Extracellular Vesicles from donated blood as referencematerial for researchers.
The new cooperation is set under the heads of agreement and is aimed to offer highly characterized andstandardized EV material for life science market to further accelerate the development of the EV applications indiagnostics and therapy.
Tallinn, Estonia, 18 January 2022.
HansaBioMed Life Sciences, is the oldest company entirely focused on the research and development of products inthe field extracellular vesicles (EVs). Today, HansaBioMed collaborates with various international groups, both Academicand Industrial, and participates in research projects aimed to implement the knowledge on the full potential of the EVs.Together with the research activities, HansaBioMed provides its customers with high quality of products dedicated to theExtracellular Vesicles and nanoparticle research.
“The current reference material available for the researchers in the field of Extracellular Vesicles requires constantimprovement and implementation. The collaboration with an experienced blood center, as the FRCBS, is aimed to achievea next generation of EVs from blood components, highly characterized and standardized both in preanalytical processingof the raw material and downstream EV purification. The final product will be an useful support for researchers workingon understanding of the potential of blood derived EVs” says Dr Paolo Guazzi COO, HansaBioMed.
Finnish Red Cross Blood Service (FRCBS) is the nationwide blood service provider in Finland and has been performingactive scientific research for more than 60 years. R&D activity can be divided into strategic focus areas: the effectivenessof the blood supply chain, new cell therapy treatments and the development of tissue transplants. FRCBS holds a solidposition in developing EV-based technologies with its partner network and is now exploring the possibilities to find partnersto manufacture EVs isolated from blood components such as erythrocytes, platelets and plasma.
“Our mission is to create potential for saving lives. We want to be in a forefront producing reliable material and scientificknowledge to explore the biomedical potential of blood EVs. We have developed isolation, purification and functionalcharacterization of extracellular vesicles from blood. Together with our partners in national EV consortium (EVE), FRCBShas reached its set goals and is ready to take the step towards EV production. For this step we need a partner that we cantrust on quality when moving forward. For us the obvious choice was HansaBioMed” says Dr Saara Laitinen, R&D managerat FRCBS and the leader of the country’s National EV Consortium.